Sun up, blinds closed, alarm blaring, snooze and repeat. "Hey Virgil wake up, how do you like your eggs?" I sat up, cold as ice. What the fack? This is Cali why the hell is it this cold? Long Beach, Ca I forgot I lived here for 3 years of my god forsaken life. "Ill take it fertilized." If you don't understand the reference then I guess were not friends. I almost forgot where I was, perched on a couch in the middle of a dimly lit living room. "Ill take it over medium." I guess I fell asleep right after finishing the first episode of the animated Godzilla series on Netflix. Roxy hands me a plate of waffles, sausage and eggs. "Here you go. Can you eat and drive at the same time?" Rodney steps out into the living room and throws me a pair of keys. "You're driving the Cressida and I'll be taking the Skyline". I grab my canteen filled with coffee and take a sip. It's still hot from the night before. "Its going to be a good day." Location: Eibach Headquarters Corona, Ca Add "blast from the past" back to your vocabulary. Here is the long awaited Eibach throwback meet. It seems in the past year or so the car scene has been shifting to showcasing the oldies but goodies. A prime example I can come to recall would be the Radwood event late last year with a unique roster of vehicles. Guests were encouraged to rock appropriate apparel to fit the genre and it was a success. Coincidentally, what a better way to rock that old Members Only jacket that you kept in the closet. With what memories of Radwood ingrained in our hearts the Eibach meet is a breath of the same fresh air we were calling for. What we once knew as our parent’s daily drivers, the same ones that we used to sneak out with once we got our license and get into trouble with (well some of us) are making a comeback. We're talking about cars that were the thing almost 28 years ago, now being called classics. We all remember Tuan rolling up to school in his EK9 while all the EG owners drool and pine over it. Single overhead cam, dual overhead cam not knowing, slap you in the face cause VTEC is the shiznit you poser and this is where it all began with humble beginnings. With the days of neon under glow behind us what is left for these cars and the people that gather to appreciate the boxy straight lines transform into more aerodynamic rounded edges though the years. We lost flip up lights but we won't lose what it meant to us. Okay guys here's the run down for the ones who missed the meet. I'm not going to be delving into the details we already know. I'll just be giving you the highlights of the meet through my lens. Enjoy the wasted talent. If only there was a Kenmeri parked next to this Hakosuka. "Bad and Uji" "One last picture before we leave." The day had come to a peaceful end. Tired we decided to catch some dinner and take the Skyline out for one last drive. "Hey Gary meet us at Sup Noodle Bar in Cerritos."
Virgil ValmonteInstagram: Vsquareed
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RodneyBorn in San Jose, CA. Raised in Indonesia. My love for 90's era always brings back good memories wether its Hip Hop, fashion/style, cartoons , and cars.. We live in a disposable era now where you can toss anything thats not with the upkeep. Technology has consumed most of us, but some of us are still living that 90's.... Instagram: